Symptoms and diseases

 Here is a list of common symptoms and related diseases. Take this as an indication, and always refer to your veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

Nodules or lipomes (tumor abcesses)

 Hypovitaminoses (vitamin E), nutritional problems.

Agitation, restlessness

 Intestinal bound, constipation, egg retention, intestinal parasites.

Lack of appetite, anorexy

 Accompanies almost all fatal states.

Blood in the stools

 Intestinal injuries due to a bound; septicemia, amebiasis or other types of intestinal infestations.

Breathing with the mouth open

 Colds, pneumonia.

Whistling when breathing

 Viral cold inflamation.

Carapace decoloration

 Excessive chlorine in water, nutritional problems, hypovitaminosis (vitamin A).

Rachytism, carapace deformations

 Hypovitaminosis (vitamin D3), hypocalcemia and lack of phosphorus, lack of enough exposure to direct sun or UV rays, nutritional problems, too small aquarium. Pyramiding.

Scutes falling (Carapace)

 Hypovitaminosis (vitamin A). If the turtle is also suffering from decolorations or light spots in the body, suspect a mycoses attack.

Softening of the carapace


Spots on the carapace and the skin

 Hypovitaminosys (vitamin A), infestation of mycetes.

Things hanging out from the cloaca

 Prolapsed penis or intestines.


 Nutritional problems such as too much dry food, intestinal bound, egg retention.


 Nutritional problems (too acid fruits), intestinal parasites.

Ear swelling

 Pus abceses caused by otitis, getting cold.

Eyes leaking pus or tildraps

 Viral cold inflamation.

Exhorbited eyes

 Hypovitaminosys (vitamin A), bad diet (too fat), infectious conjunctivitis.

Eyelids totally glued together

 Comming out of hybernation, colds, a foreign object in the eye, lack of nutrients.

Hemorrages. Generalized but scarce bleeding, red coloring of the skin, extreme lethargy


Whitish or yellowish spots inside the mouth

 Stomatitis, mouth rot (herpes).

Filamentous mucous comming out of the mouth and nose

 Colds, viral cold inflamation.

Paralisys (partial or total)

 General trauma, falls, septicemia, auricular abceses.

Excessive shedding of the skin

 Too much chlorine ine the water.

Swimming backwards after rubbiung head on the shell or getting head constantly inside the shell

 Frontal discomfort.

Swimming lopsided


Troath swelling

 Stomatitis, herpes.


 She ate too fast, allergic reaction to a medicine.